Peace Corps Mali, January 1991-March 1993
As a Peace Corps volunteer, I lived in Mali, West Africa for two years.
When people ask what I did in the Peace Corps, I usually say I tried to learn the language and I tried not to cause trouble. I did take a lot of pictures. Mostly I stayed in my home village of Kéléya, about 100 kilometers south of Bamako, the capital.
I also travelled a bit to Northern Mali, home of Mopti, the famous mosque town of Djenné, the Dogon country of Bandiagara, and Timbuktu, where my camera gave out. Thus I have no pictures of subsequent travels to Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Morocco, Spain, France, South Africa, and Lesotho, all of which I visited after completing my Peace Corps service.
Women Working
Here is a scene I saw every day: my landlady's family, including her daughter, Aminata Bagayoko (far left) and her friends in the family courtyard, preparing grain -- and the males in the family relaxing under the shade drinking tea |
From early morning to evening, women pounded millet, corn, rice, leaves, dried fish, and other edible ingredients to make the daily meal. It takes a lot of stamina, patience, and power to pound grain |
The alternative to pounding grain by hand. In the larger towns you could bring your grain (usually soaked corn) to the gas powered mill. Here is a woman at the Kéléya mill |
My Bambara tutor's helper. Here she is picking through some grains while the chickens peck at the ground |
This was a party to celebrate the successful completion of a village development project near Ouellessebougou |
Family Compounds
Villagers in Kéléya and surrounding villages did not have a lot of material goods, but many compounds were neatly swept every day
Others were not so tidy |
Here someone in the village planted flowers to brighten the courtyard |
Men in Mali
Building a house with dried earth (adobe) bricks |
Children in Mali
This is a special occasion outfit for a circumcision ceremony
Girls help even from a young age. I was continually amazed at how game the children were and how willing they were to work hard with very little material goods as incentives |
Northern Mali
I always enjoyed the energy of a market. Here is the Mopti Market |
A street scene in Djenné, Mali, where I visited my friend Qani Belul |
A mosque. The trees are stripped of their bark; they don't naturally look like that |
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Last updated: March 27, 2012 |