Way Back When In '67
50 Things That Didn't Exist in 1967
I've been making a list of things that didn't exist when I was born.
I began to notice things that were introduced sometime in the last fifty-odd years. I used to think I had to write about each thing, but since the advent of Wikipedia (also on the list), I don't need to comment on the changes these things have made, and what it was like not to have them.
Some things may actually have been invented prior to 1967, but it could be they had not gained popular acceptance.
If you see something on this list that doesn't belong here, or if you can think of other things that do, email me.
The list:
- 1-hour photo (mostly obsolete due to digital photography)
- 3M Reflective tape
- Aerodynamics on Trucks
- AIDS, Avian Flu, Mad Cow Disease, Zika
- Answering machines (since replaced by cell phones)
- Athletic bras
- Automatic car windows -- and auto locks
- Bar codes (Also RFID tags)
- Blow dryers for hair
- Bottled water
- CDs (Now mostly replaced by mp3 players and digital files)
- Cellphones
- Childproof and Tamper-Resistant drug packaging
- Cordless phones
- COVID-19
- Crazy glue
- Curb Cuts
- Digital watches
- Dimmer switches
- Doggy poop bags
- dustbusters
- Edible styrofoam
- Frozen yogurt
- Fruit stickers
- Garage door openers
- Gore-tex
- Handicapped parking and curb cuts
- Organic food
- Gluten free food
- Running shoes
- Bike Helmets
- Airbags
- Kale as a food and not just a decoration in a crushed ice bin at a buffet
- Kiwi fruit
- Liposuction
- Melamine foam aka Magic Erasers
- Mood Rings (1975)
- Mountain Bikes
- Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear
- Paper or plastic?
- Plastic milk gallon jugs
- Plexiglass
- Post-it Notes
- Prescription drug ads on T.V.
- Pull tabs on cans
- Roller blades (as opposed to roller skates)
- Rumble strips on the side of highways
- Self check out lanes
- Self-stick stamps (the best invention for Hilo, where it is so humid). Also Forever stamps
- Smoke alarms. Also, Carbon Monoxide alarms
- Smoke free airplanes, bars, and buses
- Stickers on fruit
- Styrofoam
- Suntan lotion
- Superglue
- Teflon
- Tofu in U.S. mainland grocery stores
- Touch tone phones
- Touch screens
- Minivans with sliding doors
- VCRs, videocameras, steadicam
- Velcro
- Walkmans
- Walking man/hand sign (preceded by walk/don't walk sign)
- Weed whackers
- Wi-fi
- Wite-out
- ziploc bags
Also good: Beloit College Mindset List
Next up: the list of stuff that was outdated before 1967.
For example, chestnut trees.
Here's the start of a list of environmental changes we're seeing:
- Kelp forests disappearing
- Coral reefs disappearing
- CO2 rising
This MetaFilter thread discusses changes in culture for the olds