Enjoying my life.
Two years after grad school, I've given up feeling uneasy about not pursuing
photography as a career.
I'm still taking pictures of family and friends.
Photos from 1999
Uncle Al and Doreen at the breakfast table. Lake Arrowhead, California
March 1999 |
Aunty Mitzi and Akemi. Orange, California
March 1999 |
Akemi's Barbie dolls. Orange, California
March 1999 |
Mom and her Jackson's chameleon. Hilo, Hawaii
August 1999 |
Anna Cox and Marty Brief. At the Society for Photographic Education
conference in Tucson, Arizona
March 1999 |
Send comments, suggestions, or corrections to: olopua@gmail.com
All contents © Leanne Yanabu All rights reserved.
Last updated: 082413