Enjoying life.
I'm going back to school this semester. Just to learn
a new language, not to pursue a degree.
Photos 2000
I've been taking pictures of friends and family in California and Hawaii.
Sandi, sitting by her son Bill's grave. Austin, Texas.
July 2000 |
Tim loading the moving van. Placitas, New Mexico.
October 2000 |
Keiko Arzouman, studying at her desk
November 2000 |
The picture of summer. Keiko swimming. Orange, California
July 2000 |
Leahi peak, also known as Diamond Head, has a spectacular view.
Honolulu, Hawaii
August 2000 |
Send comments, suggestions, or corrections to: olopua@gmail.com
All contents © Leanne Yanabu All rights reserved.
Last updated: February 15, 2009 |