Photos 2001
I went to Hawaii this summer. Mostly I hung out at the beach.
There was a retirement party for my Aunty Mitzi. And I bought
some summer clothes. It was the usual kind of vacation.
I missed Anna and Marty's wedding because it was the weekend after the September 11
attacks and I could not get a flight out to Chicago. I made up for it by visiting them in October.
My good friend Katherine Roller came to visit me in the fall. We had
lunch in Santa Fe at El Farol. And we hiked through the threatened Petroglyph Monument. It wasn't a bad fall, after all.
Mom and Keiko walking to Onekahakaha beach. Hilo, Hawaii.
June 2001 |
Mom and Keiko in the tidepools. Hilo, Hawaii.
June 2001 |
It was like this a lot this summer -- flat sky, flat ocean. Kona, Hawaii.
July 2001 |
The ocean off the coast of Keahole point.
July 2001 |
Aunty Sami at Aunty Mitzi's retirement party. Waikoloa, Hawaii
July 2001 |
Shirt from Hilo Hattie. Photographed in Hilo, Hawaii
June 2001 |
Marty showed off his culinary skills with a spinach and
soy pepperoni pizza.
October 2001 |
Here's Anna enjoying the sunlight before brunch. Isn't she
October 2001 |
Katherine deciding which Spanish specialty to get from El
Farol's enticing menu.
November 2001 |
Bread comes with olive oil
November 2001 |
Dipping bread in olive oil
November 2001 |
Here's lunch! The seafood platter, I think. I had the
paella. We were stuffed at the end of the meal. It was delicious!
November 2001 |
Katherine at the Petroglyph Monument near
Albuquerque, overlooking the Paradise Hills subdivision
November 2001 |
November 2001 |
Send comments, suggestions, or corrections to: olopua@gmail.com
All contents © Leanne Yanabu All rights reserved.
Last updated: February 15, 2009 |