National Equality March
Washington, DC
Sunday, October 11, 2009My
housemate Kelly Hutton is a grad student in Latin American Studies at UNM,
a political activist, and a prolific Facebooker, in no particular order.
She organized a group of New Mexicans to go to the National
Equality March on Washington, DC, and having had good memories of
similar demonstrations in 1987
and 1993,
I tagged along.
So there I was one sunny autumn Sunday, surrounded
by thousands of Americans, exercising that great first amendment right,
the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
government for a redress of grievances. The official demand for the
march was "Equal protection for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender people in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states.
Assembling before the March

Kelly Hutton and Dimas Natividad,
from Clovis, New Mexico. This was Dimas's first national political
experience, and he was really inspired by it |

Heading toward the March at 8 am

The crowd met at 15th and "I"
Street, McPherson Square prior to marching
to the Capitol.

The march didn't start til 1 pm, so
I took the opportunity to wander through the crowd looking for
people to photograph
thing I learned from previous political marches
is that participants are there to be seen...
... and so they are usually willing
to pose for a photograph. This makes for terrific photography,
especially since they essentially come with built in
thing they didn't have back in previous marches was the ability to
blog about it on the spot, as this participant appears to be doing

I hoped to see a lot of clever, creative signs, and I was
not disappointed

There were a lot of signs like this from men and
women looking for governmental recognition of their rights as
citizens to marry who they loved

I love this kind of dry humor

Some people came dressed to have fun. What a great

It seemed to me that previous marches were Gay Pride Marches
that emphasized coming out of the closet,

...wanting to be recognized for simply
Back then it was
also about overcoming AIDS. I saw a lot of
"Silence=Death" slogans last time. There was none
of that this time

Twenty years
later, the country, and the culture, has moved on.
Now the
demand is that people who have found their partners deserve
the same recognition and especially the same financial benefits
and that other married people do. |

This time there was more emphasis on Transgender and Queer pride,
especially among younger people who, at least to me, seem to have the
attitude, "Having to be either male or female is so passé."
Young Participants
Marching in the Streets

Starting the March

Here's Kelly holding the Equality New Mexico banner as we
headed towards the Capitol
At the Capitol

At the Capitol, listening to the rally speakers

Sprawled out over the west lawn of the Capitol, the marchers
made for a colorful sight
Next step: writing to my representatives in Washington, urging them to support
equal rights and equal
protection for all citizens of the United States of America.
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All contents © Leanne Yanabu All rights reserved.
Last updated: November 6, 2009 |