Okinawa 2006

In October, I went on a tour of Okinawa with my parents and grandparents. It was the occasion of the 4th World Uchinachu Festival.

Peace Memorial

Peace Memorial Peace Memorial
Peace Memorial


Peace Memorial Plaza
Peace Memorial Plaza

Fourth World Uchinanchu Festival

Uchinanchu Parade A vendor at the Uchinanchu Festival
The Hawaii delegation preparing to march in the Opening Day Parade.   A food vendor at the Uchinanchu Festival


Bean plants outside the office Shuri Castle Courtyard
Our tour group at Shuri Castle   Shuri Castle courtyard
Grandpa and Grandma Akamine on the tour bus
Grandpa and Grandma Akamine on the tour bus


Nakijin Ruins
Nakijin Castle Ruins
Margaret Yafuso photographing Mom and Dad at Nakijin Castle Ruins
Margaret Yafuso taking pictures   Mom and Dad at Nakijin Castle Ruins


Goichi Furusho and Tadao Akamine Goichi Furusho and Tadao Akamine
Goichi Furusho and Tadao Akamine at Nakijin Castle Ruins


Shoji doors at Shikina-en Royal Park
Shoji doors at Shikina-en Royal Park
Shikina-en Royal Park Shikina-en Royal Park
Shikina-en Royal Park


At the Goya hydroponic farm
My father and me at the Goya hydroponic farm

Visiting the Akamine Family

Yoneko's house Yoneko's house entrance
Yoneko's house entrance
Grandma, Grandpa, his brother and sister Akamine family
Grandma, Grandpa, his brother Yohiko, and his sister Tomiko Tsuhako   Some of the Akamine family

Small Details

A Small Black Car
They had the cutest small cars in Japan


Sewer cover -- circles Sewer cover -- fish
Sewer covers    

Back in Hawaii

Grandpa and Grandma Akamine at the airport Luggage
Grandpa and Grandma Akamine at the airport   This isn't their luggage, but it's hot design

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All contents ©  Leanne Yanabu All rights reserved.
Last updated: December 21, 2011