Photos 2005

This was a busy year of travel. I went back to Hilo in February. Betty Rosenberg, my colleague who works at Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation, met me in Hilo and we visited Onomea and the Hawaii Botanical Garden. We also got to see my mom play with the Hui Okinawa Taiko Group at the Waimea Cherry Blossom Festival.

Back in New Mexico, I went with UNM Getaway Adventures to Salinas National Monument. And I also visited a fabulous Los Ranchos de Albuquerque house on the Landscape Architects Tour.

In July I went to Oregon and saw my friend Brandi and her children, and also my friend Julia and her terrific dog, Sam.

Hawaii Botanical Garden

Betty Rosenberg at the Onomea (Fallen) Arch Onomea (Fallen) Arch
Betty Rosenberg at what used to be the Onomea Arch, before it fell.


Betty Rosenberg in Hawaii Hawaii Botanic Gardens
Betty Rosenberg along the path heading towards the Hawaii Botanic Gardens.

Waimea Cherry Blossom Festival

Hui Okinawa Taiko performing at the Waimea Cherry Blossom Festival Hui Okinawa Taiko
Hui Okinawa Taiko performing at the Waimea Cherry Blossom Festival   Hui Okinawa Taiko photo

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument
Abó, part of the Salinas Pueblos Mission National Park   Quarai, part of the Salinas Pueblos Mission National Park


A doorway at the Salinas Pueblos Mission National Park
Among the ruins at Salinas Pueblos Mission National Park

Landscape Architects Tour

Gorgeous Irises in Albuquerque A water fountain at one of the Los Ranchos de Albuquerque houses on the Landscape Architects' tour
May is a glorious time of year in Albuquerque   A water fountain at one of the Los Ranchos de Albuquerque houses on the Landscape Architects tour

Friends in Portland, Oregon

Brandi Blair's son, Nalu Julia Hammond and her Vizla, Sam
Nalu is my friend Brandi Blair's son   Julia Hammond and her Vizla, Sam on the Willamette river in Oregon

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All contents ©  Leanne Yanabu All rights reserved.
Last updated: May 11, 2007