
3 Best Board Games for a Party

Peter and Soyeon Gallo playing Survive

Do you like to play board games? Or are you one of those people who can't stand board games?

I love board games, but I can understand if you hate them. If you grew up in the 60s and 70s, when you think of board games, you probably think of CandylandMonopoly, Life, or Risk. And then you remember it being boring and awful, which is why you haven't looked at board games since then.

But just as computers have evolved in the last thirty years, board games have improved dramatically.

Fire Up Your Summer With Reading

Fire Up Your Summer With Reading

Doesn’t it feel like summer? Summer actually doesn’t start til the 20th but it’s sunny in Albuquerque and has felt like summer for several weeks now.

What kind of things do you like to do in summer? Go on vacation? Swimming? Play video games?

When I was a kid, I looked forward to summer so much. I can remember sitting in 6th grade class and looking out the door to the California grass bordering the school yard, wanting to escape and for the school year to end.

Toastmasters Your Way

Once upon a time, my partner John was married to a woman named Sonia. They set up housekeeping in a small house in Austin. Sonia was a full blown hippie, and John noticed she was not that good with the dishes. The way she did it was kind of chaotic.

The Powerful Combination of Toastmasters and Blogging


If you're looking for a job, setting up a business, or just looking to express your opinion, a website or a blog is a good place to start. But many people start with great energy and enthusiasm, only to find ideas and web posts petering out until months or years have gone by and you have a stale website.

Has this happened to you?

As a web designer, the most frequent question I get is "How can I make my website show up in Google"?

The Hermione-Draco Election

Does anyone else see the current U.S. Presidential election as the matchup between Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy?

In this corner, Hermione/Hillary Clinton: female, smart, studious, dedicated, good-intentioned. Tends to come off as wonkish, or snobbish to those that dislike her.

And on the Republican/Slytherin side, Draco/Donald Trump, the rich, spoiled, entitled scion, with bad hair, bad character, obnoxious and selfish.

How has this not been a meme?

How to Solve the Group Housing Cleaning Problem

“But at the end, there are always the damned dishes.” – Marilyn French, The Women’s Room

If you've ever lived with other people, you probably have this problem:

Your roommates are slobs.

When I was in college, I lived in a house with eight other people. I loved living with my friends: we made dinners together, we had philosophical conversations, and it was cheaper than living alone. It was great.  

Listen, The Secret to Your Success Is...

How can being a good listener help you be happier, make others happy, maybe even contribute to world peace?

Listening Well Can Make You Happier

Psychologists have long understood that people are terrible at predicting what will make them happy. If you say, “I will be happy if I … win the lottery, become famous, buy a fancy car”. Even if you achieve that goal, when you look back to assess, most people find they are not as happy as they thought they would be.

A Surprising Way to Think About Movies

Alison Bechdel, The RuleAre you a movie fan? There are so many movies out there, how do you decide which movies to see?

Lately, the Bechdel Test has been gaining attention as a way to think about movies. It’s simply a way to assess movies but it raises gender balance issues.

What is the Bechdel Test?

It started out as a cartoon strip in series called “Dykes to Watch Out For” by Alison Bechdel, back in 1985.
