Robert K. Yanabu, 1942-2024
On Friday, February 16, 2024 I delivered the following eulogy at my father's funeral:
Thank you for coming today.
I'm Leanne Yanabu, Robert Yanabu’s daughter.
On Friday, February 16, 2024 I delivered the following eulogy at my father's funeral:
Thank you for coming today.
I'm Leanne Yanabu, Robert Yanabu’s daughter.
Everyone has their own best of Saturday Night Live list
These are mine
How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.
Now that I'm vaccinated, the pandemic has subsided to the level of a persistent irritation, like a piece of gravel in your shoe, a low-grade fever, or being stuck on hold with elevator music
Has this ever happened to you? You start to hear about an upcoming get-together -- a birthday party among your classmates. Or someone in your family is getting married. Or your co-workers are organizing some celebration. They're making plans, they're all excited, and you expect to hear the details about when it is, and where...
But wait! You never get the invitation! What the -- ! How come you're being excluded? You thought you were part of the group but turns out you're ... not?
If you've ever had this experience then you know how Washington DC residents feel.
Early last year, I started hiking locally with a group of about four or five regulars. These were friends I'd hiked with before, but we fell into a rhythm of hiking every Sunday.
It seemed to work out for all of us, and even during the pandemic lockdown, we decided to continue despite the risks.
I'd hiked before, mainly with UNM's Recreational Services Getaway Adventures program, but this was the first time in years I had gone so regularly, and gone on so many trails that were new to me.
As a web designer, I mostly update webpages.
Sometimes I’m asked to redesign a website.
One thing I’ve found is, no matter how outdated, clunky, or ugly the existing website, the new website you replace it with will be met with plenty of complaints.
People hate change!
"Where is my stuff?" "I can't find anything!" "I can't login." "I hate the colors." "The organization is horrible." "Bring back the old website! Why'd you have to change anything?!"
I respect the office of the President of the United States, and the ideal of a government by the people, of the people, and for the people.
Part of what makes this country great is the ability to criticize the government and its representatives.
I am not a fan of the current President, Donald Trump:
Every so often, there are egg recalls due to a salmonella outbreak. In 2010, Wright County Egg, in Galt, Iowa, recalled 380 million eggs nationwide.
What if there was a way you would never have to worry about getting sick from factory farmed eggs, and that it was also easy, cheap, educational, fun, beneficial to the environment, and could improve your social life. You would say "How do I get started?"
What you want to do is raise chickens in your backyard.
The other day I was at Walmart, doing one of my favorite things which is judging what other people are putting on the checkout belt. There was an old guy in front of me, and I saw he had a pack of air fresheners with the scent “Clean laundry” with a picture on it of a white shirt hanging on a clothesline waving in the breeze.
I thought, how weird is that? We live in New Mexico where the sun shines 280 days out of the year. He could hang his clothes out and get the same smell for free.
Do you hang your laundry?