10 Worst Things that President Trump Did

Everyone has their own list, but here's my take on the worst damage that President Trump did during his term in office.
- Refused to give up his businesses & personally profited from being president
- Said & did nothing about Russia putting bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan
- Worked against public health safety during Covid, causing hundreds of thousands of US dead
- Lied constantly so that people stopped understanding the difference between reality and illusion
- Pulled out of the Paris Accord and worked against environmental protections
- Gave tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations, adding to the enormous federal debt with nothing to show for it
- Failing to fill slots in the federal government with professional employees, gutting the state dept, the IRS, the EPA, the USPS
- Fomenting racism by calling the Charlottesville marchers "very fine people", defending Confederate generals, and encouraging white supremacist groups like the Proud Boys
- Tried to rescind the Affordable Care Act
- Put partisan and inadequate judges into lifetime appointments, including three Supreme Court Justices