Moving forward after November 4, 2024
Think Big Picture
Hi, I'm Leanne Yanabu, and this is my website.
You may know me as a photographer, as a Returned Peace Corps Mali volunteer, a Distinguished Toastmaster or because I work at the University of New Mexico.
Although I am a web designer, I also have a real life that I would rather be doing instead of updating my website.
Some of the content here was created prior to 1998, when there was no such thing as Facebook, Instagram, BlueSky or other social networking web spaces that make it easy to post notes, thoughts, and photos about your life.
Take a look around, tell me if you like what you see.
Think Big Picture
I was surprised when I could not find this version of my strawberry jello recipe online
Those of us on the far side of fifty know that you start having to do all kinds of extra things to keep your health, things you would not have imagined you would have to do to maintain this (gestures to body).
Today I want to tell you about one of those things, the colonoscopy. I’ll talk about what it is, what it’s for, and what it’s like to go through with the procedure. How many of you have had one already (raise hands)?
Both my father and my grandfather had colon cancer so I’ve also already done this several times. By now it’s like getting my teeth cleaned.